Why it's unique

The OPRA OP16 Gas Turbine enables...

  • Use of VOCs to generate power & heat in shuttle tankers
  • High power to weight ratio: compact & light weight
  • Low maintenance & high reliability
  • Low NOx & CO emission turbine adhering to IMO Tier III emission requirements without SCRs
  • Use of multiple fuels at the same time

Setting new standards for both fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions

System integration

Destinus Energy expertise

The marine industry follows the most sophisticated norms and standards to ensure safe and sustainable long-term operation. Equipment needs to operate reliably throughout a voyage while exposed to the elements, corrosive environments, and pitch & roll movements of vessels. Our engineers work closely together with certifying authorities to solve these challenges.


The OPRA OP16 Gas Turbine creates value in your application!

Tanker ships are transporting large amounts of crude oil from offshore platforms to the shore. When containing crude oil in tankers, certain components “gas out” and form VOCs (Volatile Organic compounds), which need to be removed from the tank. Instead of flaring or venting these VOCs, Destinus Energy can utilize VOCs as valuable fuel.

When containing crude oil in tankers, certain components “gas out” and form VOCs (Volatile Organic compounds), which need to be removed from the tank. Instead of flaring or venting these VOCs, Destinus Energy can utilize VOCs as valuable fuel. Destinus Energy can utilize gaseous or liquid VOCs.

Generating electricity on-board is essential and needs to be done reliably and with the smallest possible footprint at low weight. The OPRA OP16 Gas Turbine combines extremely high power density with a reliable, low-maintenance operation.

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