Why it's unique

The Destinus Energy OP16 Gas Turbine enables...

  • Compact and reliable design
  • Ability to tolerate high H2S content in the fuel
  • Ability to operate on flare gas
  • 42,500 operating hours between overhauls
  • Proven track record
  • Successful certifications (DNV, API, GOST)

The Destinus Energy OP16 Gas Turbine can run on almost any gas or liquid fuel

System integration

Destinus Energy expertise

To ease the process of integrating the OP16 Gas Turbine into your current or new application, Destinus Energy can assist by providing process know-how and knowledge of best practice. Are you looking for a turnkey solution? We work with an international network of Oil & Gas partners who are experts in integrating our equipment into existing or new plants.


The OP16 Gas Turbine creates value in your application!

Around the world, 150 billion cubic meters of associated gas are flared and vented every year. This has a significant impact on the environment as 400 million tons of carbon dioxide are emitted. Destinus Energy can utilize even highly contaminated and low- calorific gases as fuel to generate clean electricity.

Wellhead gases in upstream oil and gas production are often flared or vented. These associated gases are often contaminated e.g. with H2S or have a high content of heavy hydro carbons making them very challenging to utilize for power generation. The Destinus Energy OP16 Gas Turbine can use even these challenging gases directly to generate clean electricity without the need for cleaning.

Destinus Energy OP16 Gas Turbines are operating worldwide in remote and offshore applications where they are often the only source for power generation. The robust, simple design makes the OP16 Gas Turbine highly reliable requiring little or no maintenance.

The OP16 Gas Turbine combines extremely high power density with a reliable, low- maintenance operation. The Destinus Energy OP16 Gas Turbine meets the high standards for offshore and marine applications.

Tanker ships are transporting large amounts of crude oil from offshore platforms to the shore. When crude oil is contained in tankers, certain components “gas out” and form VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds), which need to be removed from the tank. Instead of flaring these VOCs, the Destinus Energy OP16 Gas Turbine can utilize VOCs as a valuable fuel.

The petrochemical industry requires large amounts of thermal and electrical energy. Off-gases, which are a byproduct of downstream processes, often contain high amounts of hydrogen or have a low calorific value, which often fluctuates over time. The OP16 Gas Turbine can use even these challenging gases directly to generate clean electricity and heat without the need for cleaning.

Refineries require large amounts of heat, steam and electricity in their processes. In many cases off-gases are produced as a byproduct of refinery operations. The OP16 Gas Turbine can use even these challenging gases as fuel for generating heat, steam and electricity to feed back into the process.

The OP16 Gas Turbine combines extremely high power density with a reliable, low- maintenance operation. The Destinus Energy OP16 Gas Turbine meets the high standards for FPSO (Floating Production Storage and Offloading), offshore and marine applications.

Frequently asked questions

What people ask for the most

Each OP16 Package consists of two standard size containers stacked one on top of the other; the top one containing the filtration system and the bottom one holding the Destinus Energy OP16 Gas Turbine, gearbox, generator, and other necessary equipment and systems.